Saturday, February 1, 2014

Assignment 2 - A Summarized Myth - Post #2

So far, I have been most impressed at the speed which all of you have gotten your bogs up and running. Now that you have become a little familiar with your deity, I would like you to take the research we have done in class and begin to transfer it to your blog. Just to refresh your memory, I have requested that you find three myths that involve your deity. These might be three versions of the same myth, or three separate myths. Might I recommend, the more myths you read concerning your deity, the easier you will find moving forward with this blog will be. Once you have read three myths, use the skill of summarization (which we practiced together in class), and summarize a myth for your second post. DO NOT write then post in first person, instead focus on the third person perspective. DO NOT simply cut and paste a myth, which you have found. This summary must be written in your own words, otherwise it is PLAGIARISM!!! After seeing your intelligence, motivation, and passion for this project, I do not expect this to be a problem.

Here is a quick recap:

1) Find and read three myths about your deity.

2) Choose a single myth and summarize it for your blog post.

3) Begin to use the links you have created, and read your classmates blogs.

4) Finish your first post. Many of you have started it, but go back and look at what I have asked you to include in your initial deity description.

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